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Collards Wet Dog Food Tray Older/Overweight Grain-Free Chicken Potato and Veg 7 x 395g

Collards Wet Dog Food Tray Older/Overweight Grain-Free Chicken Potato and Veg 7 x 395g

Made with high quality ingredients Collards Chicken Older/Overweight Wet Dog Food is a complete and balanced grain free wet dog food. The wet food recipe can be fed alone as a complete meal, or as part of a mixed feeding diet with a crunchy Collards kibble.

Collards Wet Dog Food Tray Adult Grain-Free Chicken, Potato and Veg contains essential proteins from quality meat (60% chicken) and vegetable sources, with highly digestible amino acids to aid muscle growth and repair.

Free from wheat gluten and dairy, Collards Wet Dog Food Tray Adult Grain Free Chicken, Potato and Veg is made with a careful balance of potato and natural plant fibres, a great source of carbohydrates without grain for optimum energy and a healthy digestive system. You'll be sure your dog is getting all the vitamins and minerals they need with a complete blend of vitamin A, D, E and B complex to aid a healthy immune system, strong bones, and teeth. Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils keep your dog's skin and coat in top condition

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