Natures Menu Country Hunter Frozen raw dog food.
Raw Duck with Plum
Grain free and Gluten free
Country Hunter dog foods new range includes a selection of complete and balanced raw frozen nuggets created with no chicken or grain - perfect for the hypo-allergenic dog, truly innovative freeze dried raw dog food a complete and balanced ‘superfood‘ for dogs.
A Grain Free, Chicken Free, Raw Superfood Meal perfect for allergy sensitive dogs. Duck is a nutritious meat particularly high in mineral content such as Selenium, Zinc, Copper and Iron, Calcium and Phosphorus. In its raw state it also includes omega fatty acids known for playing a role in heart, kidney and skin health. Plum is a traditional British fruit containing nutritious Beta Carotene and Vitamins A, C & K.
Composition: Duck (60%), Peas (10%), Swede (10%), Carrots (7%), Apples (5%), Plum (4%), Seaweed (1%), Spinach (1%), Yucca Extract, Green Tea Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Yeast Extract, Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Carbonate.
Analytical Constituents: Protein 13%, Crude Oils & Fats 4%, Crude Ash 4%, Crude Fibres 0.6%, Moisture 70%.
Nutritional Additives: Vitamins: Vitamin A 1,000iu, Vitamin D 100iu, Vitamin E 14mg Trace elements: Zinc sulphate monohydrate 50.1mg; Ferrous sulphate monohydrate 20mg; Cupric sulphate pentahydrate 7.2mg, Calcium iodate anhydrous 0.4mg; Selenised yeast inactivated 8.6 mg/kg.
Country hunter is a seriously meaty raw dog food from Natures Menu
Email: ORMSKIRK CUSTOMERS Free delivery from Pet Shopper to Ormskirk area within a 5 mile radius of Ormskirk town centre. Order through "contact us" option or by phone 01695 579827