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Collards Wet Dog Food Trays Puppy Grain Free Variety Pack 6 x 395g

Collards Wet Dog Food Trays Puppy Grain Free Variety Pack 6 x 395g

Made with high quality ingredients Collards Grain Free Wet Puppy Food is a complete and balanced wet dog food.

Crafted with a careful balance of potato and natural plant fibres, Collards hypoallergenic grain free wet puppy food is a great source of carbohydrates to promote optimum energy and a healthy digestive system. The recipes contain Omega-3 and Omega- 6 oils to help keep your dog’s skin and coat looking healthy, plus all the vitamins and minerals they need with a complete blend of vitamin A, D, E and B complex to aid a healthy immune system, strong bones, and teeth.

The Collards hypoallergenic puppy grain free wet food trays variety pack contains the following recipes:

Collards hypoallergenic grain free wet puppy food is suitable for all puppy breeds aged up to 12 months.


Chicken: Chicken 60%, Potato 20% (from 4.8% Dried Potato), Vegetables 10% (from 1.8% Dried Peas and Carrots), Minerals, Poultry Plasma 0.8%, Sunflower Oil 0.75%, Salmon Oil 0.3%, Dried Tomato, Dried Kelp, Dried Basil.

Turkey: Turkey 60%, Potato 20% (from 4.8% Dried Potato), Vegetables 10% (from 1.8% Dried Peas and Carrots), Minerals, Poultry Plasma 0.8%, Sunflower Oil 0.75%, Salmon Oil 0.3%, Dried Tomato, Dried Kelp, Dried Basil.

Duck: Duck 60%, Potato 20% (from 4.8% Dried Potato), Vegetables 10% (from 1.8% Dried Peas and Carrots), Minerals, Poultry Plasma 0.8%, Sunflower Oil 0.75%, Salmon Oil 0.3%, Dried Tomato, Dried Kelp, Dried Basil.

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