Billy And Margot Grain free Chicken complete food for dogs.
A nutritious complete wet food for dogs made with 60% British fresh chicken, pure vegetables and fruits, milled flaxseed, seaweed, Omega 3 rich salmon oil, herbs, plus all the essential vitamins and minerals your pet needs for a truly healthy and nutritious diet.
As with all our treats we only use pure ingredients: no rendered animal parts, carcass or derivatives, no GM, no artificial preservatives, no colourants, no taste enhancers or sweeteners. No grains (not even rice!).
We only use wholesome fruits and vegetables – the proof…. you can see the carrots, green beans and blueberries. The result is a delicious and nutritious meal for your dog.
Composition: Chicken (64%), Superfoods* (Sweet Potato, Carrots, Peas, Flaxseed Oil (0.1%), Coconut Oil, Blueberries, Manuka Honey), Sunflower Oil, Minerals. *Minimum Superfoods 7%
Nutritional Additives (per kg): Vitamins: Vitamin A 2250 IU ,Vitamin D3 328 IU, Vitamin E 26 mg,. Trace Elements: Zinc sulphate monohydrate 66.7 mg, Iron sulphate monohydrate 41.7mg, Copper sulphate pentahydrate 9.6 mg, Manganese sulphate 6.25 mg, Calcium iodate anhydrous 0.714 mg, Sodium selenite 0.088 mg.
Analytical Constituents: Crude Protein 10%, Crude Fibres 0.5% Oils & Fats 8.0%, Crude Ash 2.5% Moisture 75%
Made in Britain
Email: ORMSKIRK CUSTOMERS Free delivery from Pet Shopper to Ormskirk area within a 5 mile radius of Ormskirk town centre. Order through "contact us" option or by phone 01695 579827