Hypoallergenic Large Breed Puppy Kibble - Salmon and Potato Puppy Food
This hypoallergenic super premium large breed salmon and potato puppy food is an excellent nutritional diet that is not only palatable but energy dense. This recipe has been formulated without wheat and maize and contains a minimum of 24% fresh scottish salmon and even more top qualitiy ingredients all sourced from the UK.
Ingredients Fresh salmon- (min 24%) human grade - sourced from scottish highlands, high in omega-3, highly digestible and palatable Potato- (min 15%) good source of vitamin C, B6 and potassium good for immunity and very digestible, good as an alternative carbohydrate. Salmon meal- (min 11%) highly digestiable source of protein Potato protein(min 11%) - can also helps to reduce digestive upset in sensitive stomaches Barley- carbohydrate source - ensures slow energy release Oats- helps to promote gut health, most hypoallergenic of all carbohydrates, good source of fibre and energy Chicken fat- Good source of omega 6 and linoleum acid helps to reduce itching and scratching, provides an irresistable odour and flavour Peas- good source of vitamin K1, folic acid and vitamin B6 Beet pulp- fibre source, helps avoid constipation, absorptions of nutrients and good source of friendly bacteria Salmon digest- a yummy bit of salmon gravy spray to enhance palatability made from quality salmon ingredients Salmon oil- contains essential fatty acids, good for heart, joints ...
Kibble size: Length: 7mm - Width: 20mm - Shape: Eclipse
Analytical Constituents: Crude protein 27% Oil 15% Fibre 3.5% *Ash 7% Omega 6 - 2.8% Omega 3 - 1.1% Calcium 1%
Email: sales@pet-shopper.co.ukUK ORMSKIRK CUSTOMERS Free delivery from Pet Shopper to Ormskirk area within a 5 mile radius of Ormskirk town centre. Order through "contact us" option or by phone 01695 579827